Go to school, learn to hate Canada

Phew! For a while the separatists had me worried that they might have a clue.

For the most part, Duceppe's federal campaign was worryingly professional. The hairnet consigned to history, ethnic candidates attempting to reverse the image of the nationalists as "pur laine", sensible on religion. Fortunately, we can rely on some within the separatist cohort to rage against Canada in a way that reminds Quebecers and other canadians of what life would be like "en Québec libre".

The Quebec Sovereignty Council, a tax exempt organisation funded by the Parti and the Bloc, has published a teachers manual for sovereigntist educational activities. The provincial Liberal government has declared that it will not be taught - as indeed do the opposition Péquistes and the teachers unions - but it is clear based on the reaction of current and former Quebecers that both the main school system and the services for new immigrants contain people who deliver education not merely with a pro-Quebec but an anti-Canadian stance and therefore would have no problem with slipping it into normal teaching.

In a typical "never saw a federal cheque a separatist wouldn't cash" episode, the book acknowledges the assistance of federal grants received by the publisher - these grants may not have been per book so it is unlikely that grant wielding bureaucrats subvented the book, but hasn't stopped the blogosphere from demanding sackings in the Canadian Arts Council and withdrawal of Bombardier subsidies. Even separatist bloggers reject it.

It is also amusing that after Michaelle Jean got in trouble for sharing toasts with nationalists, the office of the GG is a prime target for Quebec "savings". Those "savings" are themselves nebulous since many of the institutions proposed for the chop will be replicated in sovereign Quebec, especially since Duceppe broke with prior assumptions and declared that Quebec would have armed forces.


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