The right wing don't usually go this nuts when the Mounties get their man

Two members of the RCMP will marry in Yarmouth, Nova Scotia this June in that force's first same sex marriage. The right is already frothing at the mouth, claiming that the RCMP are being "corrupted", "politicised" yadda yadda.


Steve Stinson said…
All the power to the two mounties who want to get married. After all, it is now the law in this country. Still, it is not a good idea to politicize the RCMP on any political issue.

As to your contention that the "right is already frothing at the mouth," you might want to put a cork in it. GayandRight is quite happy about it.
James Bow said…
Maybe better to say "social conservatives". GayandRight is definitely much more of a libertarian blog.

I agree, though, that the left-right false dichotomy of this country is quite tiresome.

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