Stick it in Tim Danson's ear

I am offering Don Cherry's advice to Wayne Gretzky to another canuck under the cosh. Tim Danson, publicity hound extraordinaire, has filed a lawsuit on behalf on Steve Moore and Moore's parents following Todd Bertuzzi's suckerpunching of him. The statement of claim against Bertuzzi, the Vancouver Canucks and their holding company, seeks $15m in lost earnings, aggravated damages of $1m, punitive damages of $2m and $1.5m for his parents' claim of "negligent infliction of nervous shock and emotional distress".

Now, don't get me wrong, what Bertuzzi did was wrong and some restitution is due, unlike Gretzky who has done nothing wrong except be subjected a thinly veiled charge for "failing to control his wife". In the case of the suit itself, only a lawyer who in my opinion shamelessly exploited the French and Mahaffey families while attempting to radically alter the nature of state punishment in Canada, would lodge this suit the day before Bertuzzi and his fellow Canadians started their Olympic campaign. If only he would take up Texas quail shooting but that's too much to hope for. In any case, Bertuzzi's play against Italy seems to indicate he has not been put off by it much. The previous case taken in Colorado, dismissed on jurisdictional grounds, named Brian Burke, Marc Crawford and Brad May, the latter having outraged the Avalanche so much in respect of his actions towards Moore they went and signed him. Moore's parents were not named in the Colorado suit, possibly because of differences in Ontario and Colorado laws.

The only pity is that Moore, who to my view has been egged on by Danson to forum-shop to Colorado in the hope of destroying Bertuzzi previously, may end up with no career and no money. This will be in the same way that the families affected by Karla Homolka's appalling crimes ended up seeing their "wishes" crushed by the Quebec judiciary while Rosie di Manno and various twits with a column made their word count quotas, not least during the recent release of a film recounting her crimes which thankfully seems to be sinking without much trace.

Win the gold Bertuzzi - shove it in Danson's ear. Steve Moore - fire your leech of a lawyer and settle this case.


dunner74 said…
While I agree that Steve Moore deserves some form of monetary compensation. I cant help but wonder why he chose such a despicable excuse for a lawyer out there. Terrible to see.

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