John Waters and gobshite liberalism

Eamon Dunphy's podcast this morning (Newstalk 106 Tuesday 21st) had Irish Times journo (and "songwriter") John Waters on in the guise of a newspaper reviewer. During his chummy banter with Dummers (at 39m50sec according to iTunes) he came out swinging against the Irish Examiner poll which claimed 51% of surveyed Irish people supported "some form of gay marriage". (United Islander has also written on this today)

According to Wikipedia Waters has previously expressed views against extending the term marriage to gay partnerships, but professed to support civil partnerships. His initial annoyance seemed to be with the Examiner article lumping in all sorts of gay partnerships as forms of "gay marriage". From a journalist it's amusing that he would take offence at a sub-ed lax headlining, surely he's been at the Old Lady long enough to have had it happen to himself.

The amusing thing was that he decided to tell us what was natural ("heterosexual marriage is a tautology") but his real problem was with the reference to adoption in the article:
The Irish Examiner/Red C survey on attitudes to homosexuality also reveals that exactly half of Irish adults would be happy to allow gay people to adopt children on the same terms as heterosexuals.
Waters described this as "gobshite liberalism", "madness" and "fundamentally ignorant":
If you're a woman, you can adopt, either in a partnership, or in a marriage or as a single mother, increasingly. If you're a man, you can't. Theoretically you can, but in practice you can't. But not alone that, but if you're the father of a child, whose mother, unmarried, whose mother puts that child up for adoption, you have no right to claim to adopt that child at all. You can't. The mother can hand the child away to another couple.

And in effect now what the Irish Examiner is calling for in this survey, what the tendenciousness of this survey is that, that child of that man, theoretical, hypothetical man, can be handed to a gay couple across the street [DUNPHY: Incredible] by a mother that doesn't want it. [DUNPHY: That's incredible]

This is the kind of gobshitery that is actually passing for intellectual debate in this country. [DUNPHY: It's terrible] It's really time we began to wake up to what this agenda is really about and we have Niall Crowley of course, your old friend [DUNPHY: eh, yeah the Equality Reform...]
Waters tailed off at this point, reminiscing chummily with Dunphy about the latter having used a "six letter word" against the Equality Authority chairman. Sadly Dunphy while occasionally entertaining and incisive gives a free pass to his many chums (McGuinness and Fisk, for instance).

When is Waters going to get it - when you deny rights to somebody you end up denying rights to yourself down the road - if Dan Savage can promote "straight rights" (legislation opposing gay rights often has repercussions for straight people) you'd think John Waters could see that the ultimate end of treating people with equality will be justice for fathers - whether gay people or fathers get justice first seems to cause him great distress because he seems to feel gay people will get rights and then the equality drawbridge will be pulled up.

Finally - later in the same podcast, Paul Anthony McDermott goes to bat on matters adjoining the appeal of Wayne O'Donoghue's sentence by the DPP (although speaking obliquely, despite many attempts by Dummers to get him to speak directly on the case) - I have written previously about his remarks on evidence.


Waters is so blinded by his homophobic, AMEN, misogynistic idiocy that he finds it impossible to string together a logical argument

Paul Anthony, on the other hand, is just being cautious - and rightly so!! You never know when you'll be handed a brief ;)
lecentre said…
Fascinating post. I had no idea about this controversy in the Irish community. Do you think the Irish community majoritarily favours SSM?
Good metaphor about the drawbridge being drawn up after the gays get it, and I agree with you that such a thing won't happen. On a related note, you also make a good point about how rights given to gays help protect rights for other people too.
First time I've heard of gobshite.

Has this had any effect on the national debate on the issue?
Mark Dowling said…

it's hard to know what the Irish people believe. I certainly doubt there would be much of a backlash if any government had the spine to bring in a bill like Canada's C-38 but instead they're hiding behind the constitution.

It would frighten me if John Waters did actually have an effect on the national debate on the price of milk let alone same sex marriage, I just think if you're going to posture about someone else's rights because you think they might be further ahead of the queue than you, you deserve a smack.

If you've never heard of gobshite then you definitely need some Father Ted.
Maman Poulet said…
I think we might be surprised by the backlash that will ensue if/when a bill bringing about same sex registration is introduced.

Its clear that we won't be getting full equality/marriage etc. I do think there is a growing number of people who agree with John Waters, who are tired of equality etc and who think that we should be given a few rights but nothing special and others should have rights too - eg. the brothers living together in their 70's argument that is popular with Progressive Democrats and others. John Waters is in fact getting more work these days in the media - the so called effort at balance.

Traditional supporters of lesbian and gay equality such as the Labour Party have been extremely cautious in their recent utterances on same sex marriage/equality.

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