Got tired of waiting for someone to tag me...

pretty sad I know... but I did want to have my little place in the blogosphere :)

Gender: Male
Age: (1-18; 19-30; 31-45; 46-60; 60+) 31-45
Nationality: Irish
Country of residence: Canada
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual (married)
Do you have a disability? No.
How would you describe your political philosophy? Fiscal conservative, social liberal
Level of education (primary; post-primary; third-level; graduate; professional) Bachelor's degree.
If you were to vote on party lines which party would you choose (Ireland)? FF or PD
If you were to vote on party lines which party would you choose (UK)? Tory or LibDem
If you were to vote on party lines which party would you choose (USA)? "Reagan Democrat"
Where do you stand on the EU? I support a Common Market/Europe of nation-states model rather than a Federation.
Did you support the invasion of Afghanistan? Yes.
Did you support the invasion of Iraq? Yes. I had no confidence in the UN (esp. France) doing anything about Saddam.
Do you continue to support either or both of those conflicts? Afghanistan yes, but it's woefully under-resourced in terms of civil government and weaning off poppies. Iraq I supported given the information provided by the US/UK. This has turned out to be lies. Iraq needs to be federated or split to achieve any lasting solution since the Iraqi parliament seems to be worse than Stormont if that's possible.
What do you believe is the single biggest issue facing Irish politics? Persuading all levels of government to lift their eyes above the parish pump.
What do you believe is the single biggest issue facing European politics? Making subsidiarity a reality rather than a screen for encroaching federalism.
What do you believe is the single biggest issue facing international politics? Poverty
Are you, have you ever been, and do you ever wish to be involved in politics in a party political manner? I was a member of FF for a year (1991-2) but left after the coalition with Labour. I would not rule out becoming involved again (in Canadian politics) but have no active ties or aspirations.
Who would you have voted for in the past US Presidential Election? Kerry.


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