Martin Sheen's college days

Martin Sheen (or as his student registration names him, Ramon Gerardo Antonio Estevez) has just finished a four month stint at University College Galway. During that time he apparently chaired a debate at the Literary and Debating Society which somehow seems more impressive than the parade of celebs to Trinity or to pick up so-called "Fellowships" in UCD being a celebrity and a student member rather than an Honorary. He also took up the cause of underpaid workers in mushroom farms.

Having enjoyed the hospitality of UCG several times over the years I had to smile at the anecdote recounted in today's Irish Independent (free rego required) - I could actually imagine it happening in Galway.
Despite his instantly recognisable features, there were a few students who did not recognise the actor, but one of his favourite anecdotes concerns one who obviously did:

"Is it yourself?" the student inquired when he came across Sheen wandering around the campus, apparently lost.

"It is," said Sheen.

"Where is your minder?" the young man demanded.

Sheen said he didn't know what a "minder" was. "Your bodyguard," came the reply. "I don't have one," said the actor.

"More power to you," said the student and off he went.


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